{please excuse her hair, it's 10pm and it had been a long day}
Saturday night at Target, Evva tried to get away from me while I was holding her hand. She fell to the ground and started crying. I just thought she was throwing a fit, but she wouldn't stop crying. Not like her. So we left the store and started heading home. She continued to cry and whine and didn't even eat the "baby turkey" {peep} we gave her to appease her. We decided we better take her to kidscare because she was not moving her left hand {the one I was holding}. She ended up having a "Nursemaid Elbow" basically the tendon in her elbow goes over her radial bone and it hurts to move. Seriously, I felt like such a bad mother. But apparently it's fairly common and the way Evva's happened is usually how it's done. The good thing is the doctor was able to fix it right there. It didn't feel good right after, but like 2 minutes later, it as like it never happened. She was running around and laughing and jumping again. So here are her prizes from the doctor. She also got a sucker, which she ate on the way home.
And one more of us with Baby K, at his blessing. We love him.
that exzct same thing happened to Chloee a few months she got mad and tried to get away from me and threw herself while i was holding her hand trying to talk to her, she cried like she never had before and she just held her arm and cried so i knew something was wrong we took her in and they fixed it right there i was so glad because i felt so awful too. She sure is a cutie:)
This happened to my nephew TWICE. Both times it was something similar. I had never heard of this until it happened to him. So crazy. I'm glad that she's feeling better though...and stickers definitely make anything better. Love that little girl!
Happened to my nephew too! Don't feel bad! These things happen! You are a great mom!
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