Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sorry to keep you waiting!
It's been crazy at our house. I'm sorry to keep everyone in great suspense as to what I look like now, but here's a picture, sorry I didn't get it up sooner. We've seriously been gone all last week and then we forgot the camera at Rob's mother's house. So here I am, sorry I have no makeup! :0
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I'm chopping
Okay, so here's the deal, Rob loves me with long hair, it is for this purpose that I have not cut it more then 1 inch for a long time, well actually, I've had it long since high school, but then I cut it a couple months after we were married, and then never again, because when I got home Rob said. I..I..I..I like it... Do you like it? My thought process was; Well hon, with that reaction, how could I not! Anyhow, needless to say I did regret my decision. But it grows back right? And now it is to that length again-it has been for a while- but it's starting to drive me nuts. So, I've decided to throw Rob's caution into the wind and go for it again.
I love that I can throw it in a ponytail, and I'll still keep it long enough to do so, but maybe not a high ponytail. I love that I've gotten faster at doing it, I'm down to 50 minutes to get ready. :) Truthfully it doesn't take me much less time, even if it's shorter. I've also loved running my flat iron through to do ringlet type things w/ my hair, it takes me like 5 minutes to do my hair when I do it like that. And I love love love that! But alas, it's time for a change. So tomorrow I head to my dear friend April to give me a much needed change. Wish me luck!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Crazy July!
Wow, these first few weeks in July have been crazy this year. I have a lot to update, so I hope that I can get through everything. Here we go...
June 30 my family threw a bridal shower for my cousin's fiance Katie. She is such a cutie pie and we're so glad that she's part of our family now! It was a crazy day getting there, and on our way out the door my mom remembered she was supposed to take dinner to someone, so we hurried a and threw something together and then headed off to Bountiful only 45 min late. :) Most of the girls from my family were there and we had a great time at Robintino's.
On the 4th of July I started off the day by running the Freedom 5K in Perry with my sister and the dentist from my office. Here we are: my sister, Tiff, Dr. Wahlen's wife Hillary, Dr. C. Wahlen, Dr. J. Wahlen and I.
As far as fireworks on the 4th of July, Rob and I have differing opinions. I grew up going to the Brigham fireworks, so I love love love going to those. Rob grew up doing their own firework show, so he love love loves going to his mom's for that. So, we take turns. :) This year it was Rob's turn, so we headed up to Garland to meet up with the family.
Rob gets so excited for fireworks! They do a few crazy things that I tell Rob our kids will NEVER do (like strap fireworks to the scooter and drive it around while it goes off). We stopped by a tent and decided that we would take the grand finale firework. Rob is holding the massive thing. It went off for like 4 whole minutes.
They also strapped a firework to this little tractor, not while I rode it. This used to be Rob's when he was little and he insisted that I ride it for a while.
Matt had the best seat in the house.
July 5th was my cousin's wedding in Logan. Tagg and Katie make the cutest couple and the ceremony was beautiful! Congrats you two!
Between the temple and the reception, some of us cousin's went to Fredrico's pizza for lunch, it was fun to be with family so much that day.
Here are my cute grandparents at the reception. I love them so much! They are so great together, they have taught me so much both individually and together. Love them!
This past week has been a very busy one too. Rob and I went to Girls camp for one night on Wednesday. We went up to Bear Lake, but Minetonka caves, but had to leave before they all went to the cave. Aside from me waking up with a tick on my leg (I was thought I was going to die!), we had a fun time and are so blessed with the opportunity to serve these fantastic Y.W.
When we got back from camp, we took a little nap and went over to my mom's the help get dinner ready for the 1st annual Talbott family reunion. My mom is from Honduras and is very close with her extended family, however, since they've all grown up, they've moved to different areas of America, and some are still in Honduras. We've never had a family reunion and last winter, my mom and her sister decided it was time we did. It was quite a few months in the making and with rising gas prices, it was a little hard for some to make it, but all in all the reunion was a success. We only had about 20 there, but we had such a great time getting to know each other better. We had good food and some good laughs, stories and tears. We've decided we will have one next year in Honduras, which I'm really excited for because I've been wanting to go down there again for a few years. Friday some of my cousins and us went to Fat Cat's in Ogden to watch iFly, check out the arcade. Here's Tiff, me and Rob checking out the Flowrider.
We also did the bumper cars and had a blast!
To end our arcade adventure Rob and I went on the Virtual Reality roller coaster. It was fun for sure, and I was glad I was able to get Rob on any type of roller coaster, but honestly, our chest and back hurt the next day, how sad is that! I think we're getting old.
So there you have it, we've been quite busy so far this month.
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