Ted, Tagg, Tuck and Amanda enjoying the feast.
Mattias, Ceci and Emma
Rob, Tyson and Uncle Eldon
Then of course we had the Christmas tree hunt. Tyson came this year. All the kids went, minus Korver and Riley, so us girls had an easy time at the house just getting soup ready and watching Serendipity! I love that show! Rob came back with a winner of a tree. I seriously love it! I'm grateful for Rob's family and all the fun traditions that they have. Even though they make me laugh at times! I love that they do so much as a family!
Gracie{covered by the scarf}, Syd and Korver before they headed out.
Tyson and Rob

Jim and all the Grandkids
Matt and Tyson hauling out a tree
Our tree

Here I am decorating.
The finished product
it is a nice place to live in.
look at your darling little baby bump!!the tree looks great too!!! Hope you guys are great. We can't wait to see you!
The tree looks great! You sound like you are doing well! I hope you are feeling great!
Oh my gosh! I am way behind on reading blogs and I just found out you guys are having a baby! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. You will be an awesome mom! Hope everything is going good! Keep in touch!
Love the tree, really, so fun and I'm so glad you posted a pic of you. LOVE your cute belly!!! It makes me think of myself at that point a year ago. You should be having your gender ultrasound soon, eh? Your little tike and Cassi will be almost exactly a year apart. So fun! Hope you're feeling well.
You look great! Family always makes the holidays better.
Look how cute you and your prego belly are! Have you thought of any names yet? No news here...but that's ok. Hopefully soon! Your tree is also very cute! I love it!
PS that pic by the taxi sign is actually post-makeover. You don't get the whole effect from the camera...maybe it wasn't as scary looking as I thought :)
Tati. Wow!! Your tree looks awesome! As you noticed on Friday, we haven't put ours up yet. Um, I may get around to it before December 25...we'll see.
Okay, I absolutely love the movie Serendipity. I haven't seen it since it was in the theater (since this is a public blog I won't mention which hs boyfriend I went to it with, but...yeah, memories. Actually, I think it may have been a group date. Were you there?) anyway, I want to watch it again. I'm thinking about spending a few days in the BC during the Christmas break. If I did could you hang out sometime? Love ya!
Hey Tots! I totally miss you! How's it going? You look so darling! When are you due? I'm sure happy for you and your cute little family! Merry Christmas!!
CUTE TREE miss tat! I love real ones! You are sucha cute decorator!
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