Baby has been moving so much lately, it's even active at certain times, like about 9:30am, 2pm, and 8:30pm, those are the ones I notice the most. So when I'm home, I just sit and watch my belly. It makes me smile to see it move. I love it! I'm so so so excited to have it out and watch it move for real. One of my patients said the other day that she missed not being able to feel it move, and I hadn't really thought of that. Pretty sure that's about all I'll miss of being pregnant. But I love watching my belly, LOVE IT!
As far as other things we've been doing. I bought this little toy.

I have no clue how to use it yet, so I've been reading the manual and am going to start classes. I've always had interest in photography, so I'm glad to start dabbling in this. Rob's been super supportive and encouraging so hopefully I'll start getting some better pictures up.
On a different note, every year for their birthdays we give our nieces and nephews a free night at our house where we have a big sleepover. Last Friday we had Keaton and Gracie over for a night of fun. {Keaton said he was going to save all his up til he was like 76, but we told them they should probably cash them in before the baby comes.}
We watched Igor and Bridge to Terabithia. Saturday we went over to my mom's so Keaton could wrestle with Tyson, not sure why, but Keaton really likes to wrestle with Tyson.
Other than that we've been working, trying to get ready for baby and Rob's been coaching the YM basketball team {what an adventure, no one listens to him!} Hope everything is going great for everyone.
You are too cute! I was obsessed with my belly moving with Chloe too! Not so much with Jax and JJ. I always wanted David to come see! He thought it was cool, but wasn't quite as interested as I was. Enjoy it while it lasts. There will come a time when you pray for them to stop kicking you! My babies were always active 1-2 hours after I ate too! Nice Camera! I'm jealous!
Good luck with the camera- I agree I love the feeling of the moving belly
Love how you've labeled it "the kid". Can't wait to see you at UDA Tot's.
Rob, Hey man, I just ran into Lee Song last night at the restaurant. We were talking about how everybody is doing and catching up and stuff. We need to hang out one of these nights. I'm not sure where you and Tatiana are living right now, but it'd be cool to catch up man. Lee heads back to New York in a week. Tatiana, if Rob doesn't look at these comments tell him some old friends are trying to find him.
I think it is so cool you get a camera. Where are you taking classes? I have always been interested in photography and took some classes in school, but never got good at it so I think that would be fun. You're so good to read the manual. Good luck!
I am just one step ahead of you and I can agree that feeling the baby kick is one of the ONLY things good about pregnancy. After I had Maggie and felt so good I realized how bad I had actually felt during Pregnancy. Your time is coming to an end and hopefully we can forget the yucky situation so our kids can have siblings. It's been 5 weeks for us and there is NO way I would sign up to be pregnant again any time soon. You will just LOVE being a mommy and you will be a great one too. Can't wait for you to experience the joy. Also I have a great pillow that Brooks made me to help me sleep during pregnancy. I don't have room for it anymore. Would you like to give it a shot. It really helped me get some zzz when they were much needed. Let me know, I just posted my number on the family web page so you can give me a call anytime. Chat with you soon. Amber
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