A car seat/carrier

And a super awesome running stroller that I'm so excited to use

It has a dock that you can hook your iPod up to and then it has a sound system built into the stroller! Watch out baby! We're going to be sweating to the music {well at least I will be, the kid not so much}.
I'm still trying to decide on crib bedding, but I've got my eye on a few.
We finished our birthing class with flying colors {not that you wouldn't} and have been practicing our {my} relaxation techniques. Due to the fact that I want to be able to get up and walk around and get back to my old self {ASAP!} I'm opting to try and do this birthing thing natural. I know, some of you may think I'm a total nut case, I prefer not to think of myself as a "granola" and truthfully, it's nothing against the drugs in my body or the babies body, it's just that I want to be up and going as soon as I can. Am I crazy to think I could walk the day I give birth? Seriously, I'm tired of being so uncomfortable to bend over, and sleep, and feeling out of breath when I come up the stairs, and having to ask my friend to slow down when we go walking. Walking, not running. I can't even run, my belly goes up and down and I feel like I'm giving the kid shaken baby syndrome in utero. HATE it! So there you have it, that's why I want to do it natural, Oh, and I don't want a c-section, mostly because of all the previous stuff.
This is mostly an update for my little friend in Cali w/ the twins on the way, but the class...interesting. Truthfully though, if anyone wanted to take a natural child birth class, I'd recommend it hands now. Just go in taking everything with a grain of salt, and know that there are some really really good things you will take from the class, and there are some things you can choose to leave behind. But all in all, there was only one thing that Rob and I were like...Um, we're not doing that, actually two things. I'll spare the details.
So besides shopping and our class, I've started nesting. The odds of us moving in the summer are fairly high, whether it be to a new town or just into a house here, we are not sure, but I still feel like I want to get our little place in a state of which that I can feel ok about when the baby comes. Since I've been prego my decorating desire has become almost null and it was somewhat reluctantly that I put Christmas up at all. But once I took it down, I didn't put anything back up, so it's been a little sad and shambly in our little home.
However, now that I'm nesting, I decided I needed to recover the couch pillows, redecorate the living room, deep clean the bathroom, kitchen, and extra room, dejunk and reorganize all our storage areas, such as the bookshelves, the garage, the laundry room and closets and get everything in a state that I feel comfortable with. Whew, it's kind of exhausting, but I also hope it will make moving easier. Seriously, how do we accumulate so much stuff in 3 years.
Anyhow, Rob has been a trooper and been so good to me this week with cooking dinner. Monday he asked if I wanted him to go grocery shopping, to which I asked "what are you going to get?" He said he'd plan all the meals and do the cooking the week. After wiping the huge grin off my face I said ok and was looking forward to it all day. He's done a great job and the menu has consisted of Subway {on the way out from grocery shopping}, Chicken Enchilladas and Spaghetti. In his defense, this week was a little crazy. But he's done a great job at planning and making sure our meals are well balanced.
Other than all this, we are just trying to pass the days by watching my belly kick and squirm. I know I need to put a picture up, but we just keep forgetting. I think I just look like a sick pregnant girl though. That will be my assignment for the rest of the day. I'll hopefully get it up soon.
I miss you!!! :) Way to go with all your getting readiness! It could happen sooner than you think... my recommendation, DON'T go see any movies. OR do.. if you want it to come sooner. I can't wait to meet little baby Riley! And, I'm sure you look great!
I'm so proud of you for going natural. I know I could never do it. The epidural was like sweet candy for me. I loved it... and as far as getting back to normal. I was so pumped after I had Zenock that I couldn't sleep at all... (I called you at that point.) Others I have talked to, tell me that when they have done the "natural thing" they were too worn out to be excited and just wanted to sleep when the baby came. But REALLY, I'm proud of you!
Also, what kind of stroller did you get?!? I want/need one... really bad. :)
I didn't mean for that to be so long.. gee, sorry!
Wow you only have 8 wks? Thats fast! And way to go with trying natural! The thought always crosses my mind when I'm prego but I'm to much of a chicken to make it to far. I think I've gotten the epidural at a 4 with both.:) Also just so you know I also had great experiences with the epidural. With Sophie it started wearing off by the time I had her so after she came I was up and ready to go. With Gene my legs were numb a bit longer after but really I was up going fast after to. Don't know if you care but there you go.:)
Way to go with all your cleaning! i wish I could be so motivated! My poor house stays clean about an hour then is a major disaster the rest of the day.
Also, to answer your question. Sorry its takin me so long! Cedar city is around 40 mins away from where we live so we go to a dentist in Hurricane(about 5 mins drive) his name is Dr. Lundeen.
Good luck with the natural childbirth. I had a great experience with the epidural. I got it when I was dilated 5cm and delivered about 2 1/2 hours later. I was up walking around (with pain of course. you're going to have pain down there after deliver whether you get drugs or not) less than 2 hours after Grace was born. The best part about the epidural was that I wasn't exhausted from laboring. I slept for about 2 hours before I had to start pushing, so after she came out I was a ball full of energy and sooo excited to hold and cuddle her.
I wondered how it worked out when you took Rob to the natural birthing class. I'm glad to hear he didn't laugh so hard you guys got kicked out;o)
It made me so excited to hear about all the big changes approaching for you two: new baby, new home, likely a new work situation for one/both of you. I bet it feels downright overwhelming at times, but I have every confidence that you'll do great.
As for the natural birth thing, way to go! I tried my darndest with E; read up on the Bradley method, studied all the relaxation techniques and then after my water broke I seriously thought I was dying. No matter what I did I couldn't accept or get above the pain I was feeling. I wasn't a screaming maniac, I just sobbed and felt like everyone in the hospital room was watching me die. (Not kidding) I succumbed and got an epidural and then the rest was comparatively easy peesy. My point is this: I felt wimpy for getting an epidural in the end, but then I realized that I got my baby here and that was no small feat. Whatever happens, you're the champion of the world! In the meantime, if you want to watch an inspiring documentary about natural childbirth, check out "The Business of Being Born". There's some nudity (it is a birth movie) and I remember two of the moms swearing once, but otherwise it was very enlightening and encouraging.
(Sorry for the epic comment. This is what happens when I can't talk to you face to face.)
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