Sort of...I've been working like a mad woman and Rob is wondering when we'll take the kitchen back from the fabric and glue gun. But I was honestly so sick of so many of my Christmas decorations, so it was time to revamp. And I was feeling a little crafty {actually I totally needed a project} So I made this cute pillow and stockings and a few other little things that I will have to add later.

Rob asked that his had no there you go, how about a tree. I guess that's more masculine.

We did some family pictures before was super windy...but we got a few between wiping Evva's nose. {seriously, we're going on 3 weeks...chronic runny nose?}
And this folks was the highlight of the weekend...Evva had been playing hard for the last 2-3 days and was resisting naps. I tried to keep her awake for the big Thanksgiving day feast, but as soon as we sat down she grabbed my arm, snuggled up and FELL ASLEEP! This has NEVER come close to happening. My little munchkin was all tuckered out.

The stockings look great! :) Also, I was thinking we need to document our outings (Ikea), girls nights, family time, etc. more often? Right?! Love you much! Let's work on that this Holiday Season!
First of all..I love your crafts. You'll have to show me how you did those stockings sometime. Super cute! Second...that picture of Evva is priceless. I can't believe she just fell asleep like that. So glad you got a picture though. Thanks for the advice with Liam's sleeping...he did better last night but if it happens again I'll have to give it a try. Love ya!
You guys should have come tat! I know we miss you too! How's life down your way? and your job? Hope all is well. You are looking gorgeous as ever!
oh that is so cute! n I just love that Evva grabbed your hand and went right to sleep!
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