This year we had a great night in and I loved it! This year I'm kind of all about our own traditions. I'm wanting to make memories. And do things that my kids will remember and know we do it every year. I had so much fun planning what we'd do, and we honestly kept it way low key and simple. It was a day that I could show my love and appreciation for Rob and my little munchkin.
We didn't have to fight Evva {at least not too hard} at a restaurant, and we had fun just being together. I love my little family so so much. I'm looking forward to next year!!!
Grilled steaks w/ peppercorn melange and sweet onion marmalade, wilted baby spinach w/ honey-maple vinaigrette, squash and rolls {which fell and were flat}. So yummy!
Tablecloth-Target, placemats-ikea, salad plates-Rob's mom was DI-ing them {along with bowls-now mine}, napkins-dillards like 5 years ago, I wish I'd gotten more, napkin rings, made in like .5 seconds with random stuff around the house.

I found these cute fortune cookies at gardner village last summer, I was so excited to pull them out, I think they kind of inspired to whole thing. Beautiful flowers from Rob.

I found these awesome straws for Evva, and she so gladly shared. She totally loves them & one of my all time favorite DI finds, I use this little pitcher for dressings and syrup. It makes it happy.
And these amazing things grace our table every now and again. Molten Chocolate Lava cakes with Vanilla bean Ice Cream on top. More please!!!
Hope you were loved too!
You went all out! My mouth is still watering thinking about those lava cakes. What a pretty table too.
Tat! You are so much fun!
Um...can you please post the recipe for the tasty little dessert? Thank you.
Wow! That looks pretty amazing. that sounds like a great Valentine's Day. I love the twisty straws too. So cute! What a darling family you have!
HOOOLLLLYYYY MOLY. Can we have Valentines day with you next year? Seriously.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, you are so sweet!
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