And we're off. Where, we don't know exactly. Rob got a job at Bonneville HS, so we will be moving to the Ogden area eventually. For now, we will be renting from Rob's parents until we can find a place of permanent residence! We're buying a house! Finally! Needless to say Evva will be spending some time like this in the car.

Yay! So excited for you guys! Are you going to look for another job or will you get to stay home? I bet you guys are so happy to be coming back home! (At least closer anyway)...
Tati--congrats on the job--that's so exciting. I don't know where in the Ogden area you are looking or what price range or anything, but my parents live in a very nice area in South Ogden up sort of by Weber State. There is a house in their neighborhood for sale...I can try to send you the link. I really don't know anything about it but they love their ward and neighborhood. Good luck on the house hunt! (Ours hopefully will be ending soon:)
Yeah, we will love having you closer. We need to BBQ sometime in Aug. Let me know if there is a good weekend for you! Good luck finding a house!
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