Friday, May 16, 2008
Prince Caspian
Rob and I went to a midnight showing of Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian last night. It was fantastic! I'm trying to convince him to go to a matinee today. Peter is quite good looking and it was quite action packed! I give it 5 stars! Truly, it didn't seem like it was 2 1/2 hours long! Go see it!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
And the winner is...

Well, I know that you all have been in suspense as to where we will be next year, so here it is. Look familiar to anyone? Rob has accepted a position at Box Elder Middle School.
Now let me explain, #1, anyone who grew up w/ Rob knows that he vowed this would NEVER happen, but it did. #2, Rob will be teaching Earth science, even though he graduated in Chemistry. #3, Rob NEVER wanted to teach at a middle school, but now he is. So as to how this happened, I can't really tell you other than this is where he felt good for this year.
There are benefits to this sudden change of plans, #1, I keep my job that I really do love, #2 we get to stick it to the man after spending 2 1/2 years of forking out at least $100/wk in gas, Rob gets to WALK to work, which is like 4 min away (we timed it). #3 We get to save up some serious dough so that we can buy everything we ever wanted! (ok, not everything, but we can always dream, we aren't on a student budget anymore!)
There really are some good benefits to being here this year and we're glad that we get to stay by family as well. So there you go, you know where we can be found for a year.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Watch out world, here we come...
Yeah! The day finally came! Rob's graduated now! I'm so incredibly proud of him! After 6 years and 3 different schools, he finished! I'm so excited and know that he'll be such a fantastic teacher! Way to go Honey! You ARE the best thing I've got going! :)
Rob and I, I'm really happy! Rob is too!
Rob's parents.
Will, Rob, Mark and Grandma Helen
After graduation and lunch/dinner at Maddox, we were able to get some tickets to the Jazz game. We had a fantastic time and the Jazz even pulled of a great win to put them to the next round of the playoffs.
After the game Rob wanted to stay and watch them interview someone, so luckily it was Matt Harpring, who was my favorite until Korver came, but he's still a favorite. He's just a good looking clean cut guy. Korver is more of the playful looking type. :) But it's ok, my true love is my Rob!
*I don't know why my computer decided it needed to underline things halfway through this post, but I apologize, I couldn't get it to go away.
Rob's Gift to Himself
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