Yeah! The day finally came! Rob's graduated now! I'm so incredibly proud of him! After 6 years and 3 different schools, he finished! I'm so excited and know that he'll be such a fantastic teacher! Way to go Honey! You ARE the best thing I've got going! :)
Rob and I, I'm really happy! Rob is too!
Rob's parents.
Will, Rob, Mark and Grandma Helen
After graduation and lunch/dinner at Maddox, we were able to get some tickets to the Jazz game. We had a fantastic time and the Jazz even pulled of a great win to put them to the next round of the playoffs.
After the game Rob wanted to stay and watch them interview someone, so luckily it was Matt Harpring, who was my favorite until Korver came, but he's still a favorite. He's just a good looking clean cut guy. Korver is more of the playful looking type. :) But it's ok, my true love is my Rob!
*I don't know why my computer decided it needed to underline things halfway through this post, but I apologize, I couldn't get it to go away.
Hey, I'm so glad you found me and so now we can check up on each others lives. Tell the husband Congrats!
Tati- you look so cute in that yellow shirt that matches Rob's tassle. Super cute. Tell him congrats and congrats to you too for supporting him through it all!
Congrats! That is so exciting. We love you guys! I can't wait to see what lies ahead... :)
Hey Tats ya I have had a boyfriend for a little over ten months now!! Where have you been:) Tell your Hubby congrats that is so awesome!! That is so nice you are now both done with school! yeah
And that is SO funny you remember that story about Urma Lou ya it scared me for life ha ha
So whats next for the grad? Are you going to relocate? I have 17 months and I am COUNTING down. Sometimes I feel like I'm in way over my head here. I hated community when we had it in school and now I'm living it. Hey, I have a question, when your on your cycle is it harder to run? That week just about kills me.
I am so glad that I found your blog! I am just joining the blog world and I am loving it! Also Congrats is in order for your husband! That is very exciting! Keep in touch!
Tanya (Hubbard) Roberts
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