Well, I know that you all have been in suspense as to where we will be next year, so here it is. Look familiar to anyone? Rob has accepted a position at Box Elder Middle School.
Now let me explain, #1, anyone who grew up w/ Rob knows that he vowed this would NEVER happen, but it did. #2, Rob will be teaching Earth science, even though he graduated in Chemistry. #3, Rob NEVER wanted to teach at a middle school, but now he is. So as to how this happened, I can't really tell you other than this is where he felt good for this year.
There are benefits to this sudden change of plans, #1, I keep my job that I really do love, #2 we get to stick it to the man after spending 2 1/2 years of forking out at least $100/wk in gas, Rob gets to WALK to work, which is like 4 min away (we timed it). #3 We get to save up some serious dough so that we can buy everything we ever wanted! (ok, not everything, but we can always dream, we aren't on a student budget anymore!)
There really are some good benefits to being here this year and we're glad that we get to stay by family as well. So there you go, you know where we can be found for a year.
Congrats! It was good seeing you in Wal-mart (although I was a bit manic...sorry!) I'm excited that you'll continue the tradition of good teachers at BEMS:)
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy Rrrrt!!!! Wow Rob, I sure am glad you found us!! Every time I see the video in our movie case I feel terrible. I am the worst friend ever. I am pretty sure it was like 2004 when you let me borrow that video....Rest assured it is still in amazing working condition (I know because I watch it with my wife every once and awhile, she's from MORGAN!! ha ha ha...who would have thought!!) anyways, I am going to get you the video ASAP..I'm going to try and convert it to DVD for you too...i'll look up your phone number and i'll give you a call - i would give you mine but I don't want to give it out over the net.... i'll talk to you soon
That is awesome! Congrats! It is going to be a great year for the two of you!
Congratulations! I'm so happy that the waiting is over and that you're staying close. Woot!!!
Congrats to Rob on graduation and new job!!! I guess it is baby time now:)
Hey Robert, I know it's been a while, but I want to tell you good luck with teaching! I taught 8th grade math last year and I'll tell you, I'm sure glad it's over! But, I'm pretty sure your kids won't have as many issues as mine did. You'll love it!
that's so cool that he gets to teach so close to home! and not saving money on gas will be great as well! I hate how expensive it's got! Anyways, tell him good luck with the new job!
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