So this weekend, I had a nasty little visitor invade my body. It all started last monday actually w/ sore achey (sp?) muscles. Tuesday I had a sore throat and Wednesday I had like zero energy. Thursday morning at spin I didn't think I would make it and the rest of the day I had a little cough. Friday, the cough got worse and my ear was hurting. Thinking that I had an ear infection, I went to the doctor who gave me a prescription for amoxicillin to get filled if it got worse in the next two days. Well, let me tell got worse! Saturday all I did was lay on my mom's couch all day and watch TLC. I couldn't sleep b/c my nose was so stuffed that I had to breath through my mouth and it was always so dry! Yuck! I would suck on coughdrops, but they weren't sugar free...and unfortunately I know too much and am worried that I'll get a cavity. So I just laid there are watched hours and hours of "flip that house" and "my first place". It didn't help that I dreamt about them that night. Sunday I decided I would save my ward from this nasty bug and stayed home, and was actually able to sleep during that time. But when Rob came home, I was up and couldn't get back to sleep. Sunday afternoon I had bad aches and started looking for a sub for Monday. Found one for the morning, but ended up having to go in for the afternoon. I seriously was a mess. I felt like I had taken a percocet! My hands were moving, but I had no thinking in the matter. I felt like my body was going, but my mind was left behind in the dust. Crazy! So my dentist called me in a z-pac. (angels singing)
Took the first of those last night and whalah, I can breath! Seriously, I feel so much better. I found a sub for today luckily, so I'm going to continue to sleep, but I'm so happy about being able to breath through my nose!
I also wanted to give a shout out to Rob because he's been such a trooper. He's been taking such good care of me! And poor thing, he hasn't had a real meal in quite a few days. He did cook last week though. Here's the proof. He did a really good job!
Thanks for taking such good care of me hon!
OH, I'm so sorry you were sick. Hope you're on the mend! Being sick is the WORST!!!
Z-Packs Before I got my tonsils out I would practically call one in for myself when I worked at the Medical Clinic. I am sorry you were sick (i laughed at the angels singing:) I could hear them:D
I wrote Z-Packs Rock...but it deleted it...sorry that post didn't make sense:)
I'm so sorry you're sick! I wondered where you were on Sunday, but didn't get to ask Robert before he left Primary. You'll be in my prayers and please let me know if I can do anything for you. (I make some wicked chicken soup!)
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