My little/only brother came home from his mission last Wednesday! We were so excited to see him! I was shocked when I saw him walk down the stairs and I just started crying because he was actually there!

Tuesday night Mackenzie and I made a big "Welcome Home Elder Petersen" sign to hang on the garage.

We had been keeping the nudger a secret from Tyson until he came home, s0 this is how we told him. He was surprised! I had to have him read it twice because he didn't get it the first time.

This is when he finally got it {sorry it's blurry}

The four of us together again.

We're so glad he's home! I've had this week off and have been able to help him run a few errands and get settled in. It's good to have him home and giggle at the silly things he does. I'm so proud of him and his hard work to serve our Lord.
Oh I have chills! I love Tyson. He is probably one of the nicest guys I've ever met. And he took me to my first dance haha! Glad he's home safe and congrats on the little one! April did my hair last weekend and spilled the beans to me, I was excited! You'll be such a cute mom!
so glad he's home! I can't wait to see him at Christmas time. what a cute pic of the 4 of you. I miss my family!!!! Hope you're feeling better. You look great! Call me and we'll chat! new # is 210-254-2910
Yeah! I love Tyson! Tell him hello for me. :) That is so cute how you told him the news. I love the feeling of seeing a missionary walk off the plane. It is the best feeling ever. I cried just reading about it. Just wait until it's one of our children!!! Ahhh!
YAY!! The shirt turned out cute! I can't wait to hear all about it! Hope your loving the week off... I know I SURE AM! :) muah!
AAHHHHH!!! I'm so excited for you two! What great news!! You will be an amazing mama! And welcome home to your little brother!
I did find a job...what a relief!!
Congrats again!:)
How fun! That's always so exciting to have missionaries come home! :) So how have you been feeling? Have you thrown up at all or just been good? I'm still so excited for you! And I agree completely with your stuff about the debates...I like Palin and Obama--I really can't decide!
Oh Hooray! I'm so glad he made it home safe and sound. My little bro Adam is still gone and won't be home until this summer... but hey, its THIS summer! Tell him hi from my whole family!
~Jenni Price Bell
Ok first off, CONGRATULATIONS! That is awesome news! I'm so excited for you guys!!! You will be an amazing mom! And, it is so exciting that Tyson is home! Hooray! Derek will be home Dec. 29th!:)
Congrats Tottie! I'm super happy for you guys. You're gonna be the best mom!
The shirt was a great idea! It was a cute design too. Very creative Tats!
Well pass the work along... Hi cousin Tyson. I miss your whole family. So I guess you should just tell everyone HI.
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