Have you been watching them? I have a little bit. I like Palin. I think she makes some very good points and has some good ideas. I think she would add a lot for McCain.

I also kind of like Obama. I think he's new and fresh. I guess we'll just have to see. I also need to do a lot of reading because I haven't really paid much attention to all of their ideas. I really feel like I need to make an educated decision this year though {as if I didn't every other year} so I'll be doing my homework!

However, The biggest debate in our house is if we're having a girl or a boy in April...

Surprise! So this is the reason for my lack of blogging...I just haven't wanted to do anything...but I'm feeling better, most of the time :)
Oh my gosh! That is so exciting, congrats to you too! And it looks like we both got back to blogging at about the same time. :) Funny how you just want to do nothing all the time, huh? I count my blessings though that I am able to work and function fairly normally with the occassional puke here and there. Hope you haven't been too sick! So how far along are you?
YEAH! that is AWESOME!! I am so excited for the two of you
I kind of suspected something might be coming soon due to the response I got at the UDHA meeting. I am so excited for you. I'm glad you are starting to feel better. :)
What you guys are going to have a babay?? Congrats!! Best time of year to be pregnant...I am so happy for you guys...Love evey minute of being pregnant..I miss it already and Drake is only 6 months old...They grow up so fast...congrats again..We love you!!
Holy Cow!!!!! I'm stunned typeless! My computer has been down for the last two days and I just tonight got it working again and read the thrilling news! You can expect me on your doorstep soon! Whee! (Sorry for the abundance of exclamation marks!!!)
Holy COW!!! Congrats Tot! Well- I hope you start feeling great soon! With Hyrum I was SO TIRED for three months! Keep us updated!
As for the debates and election- definitely do your homework! I have been suprised by what I have found out about Obama. Finally I feel a little justified for the bad feelings I get when I listen to him. He is a very cunning, convincing man... I cannot bring myself to vote for someone who does not love America. I agree with you- I really like Palin. She adds leaps and bounds to McCain- good pick!!! She is totally on top of the energy crisis we are encountering! I actually like Biden also. He is a very honest man and I feel he also cares for America- different views than I have, but I have respect for him! Sorry this is comment is long! I have been wanting to talk about all this with someone other than Brad!
AGHHHHHHHHHHH! I am so excited for you!!!! yeah! You will be such a great mom! I'm glad you're feeling a little better. let me again say AGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Congratulations! Love ya!
Oh my word! You are pregnant as well. That makes 4 people in the last 5 blogs that I have read today. Did you all attend a convention or something? Congratulations!
You funny girl! Only you would write something cute like that... :)
I'm so excited for you!
Congrats!! I am so excited for you! Pregnancy is a lot different than I ever imagined! I have a new found compassion for all pregnant people! It is so great though and just wait till you feel that baby move... It is the BEST!!
OH MY GOODNESS! Your so funny! Congrats my dear :)
Yeah! Congrats! I am so glad that you "officially" posted! Walker told Willie quite a while ago. I totally know how you are feeling! When in April? Our baby is due April 1st. We're excited to find out if it's a boy or a girl too.
hey, congrats! Were so excited for you guys!
ToT! You're pregnant?!?! Oh my heck I had no idea!! :) HOpe Tyson got home safely.. can't wait for our gateway trip and to hear all about it!
YAY!!!!!! SUPER EXCITED for you guys! The little munchkin can join the whole realm of April b-days in this fam!! (Rob's nephew actually spilled the beans to my mom a few weeks ago, so we've been waiting for a confirmation!!) Hope you get feeling even better. My 2nd trimester with Madalyn was the best I've ever felt in my life! We can't wait!!! Love ya
I already congratulated you on the family website, but congrats again. We're very excited for you. Did you have any "morning" sickness or just tired? I was just SUPER tired all the time, but felt great after I got over that. We can't wait to see you guys again... maybe Christmas!
Love, Amy
Congrats! I am so very excited for you!
Being a mom is the best!
WOOOOHOOOO, Tot's. I'm so excited for you. You will be such a good mom, patient, kind, giving and patient, really you do have the patients of a saint.
Rob and Tatiana-- Congrats!!!! And I love when I stumble upon blogs of old friends! Tell Rob that I decided to get my Masters--- but I am teaching college too!
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