Friday, February 23, 2007
In the afternoon my pt was such a sweet lady. She spoke spanish and I was trying to speak to her in my super spanish! It was kinda funny, but I think I did ok for the most part. Lilly helped me a few times. The crazy thing was that she had a lot of work done and a ton of active caries, but she really had like no boneloss. She said she had some pain while we were doing the extra oral exam. It was hurting her on the R side of her nose. I felt it and it felt a tiny bit more swollen when compared to the other side. Prof. Alexander came over and we checked it out. She had a remaning root tip on #4 that we saw in the BWX, but other than that we couldn't see anything. However, we felt that in order for us to treat her better, it would be nice to have an FMX, so we did that and decided to call it a day. Her gums were very tender and I wouldn't have been able to clean her at all with out doing an injection, and I don't know if she was ready for that. I don't think I was ready to clean around all the active caries either. Anyhow, she's coming back another day, so we'll get her taken care of.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Some ideas I liked...
Okay, so whoever knows how I can add something to my blog that will allow me to just add a ton of pictures so that I can have for ideas...let me know. Seriously. I see so many pictures that have ideas that I love...but I need some way to keep them (just the picture) so I can refer back to them...maybe I'll have to ask Prof. Hanson. But if anyone knows, share the knowledge! Until then, these are some cute ideas that I really liked.
I would LOVE a craft room like this one day! Does this not just say FUN!
These were some cute ideas from the same site.
A super cute bad I didn't see these last week.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Valentine's Day cont.
And these are the cookies I made last week to take to some of the neighbors...but we weren't home all weekend and sadly ended up throwing about 1/2 the batch away....they were super good too!
Yummy! Looks good!
And due to a request from my dad...The 2007 5A Utah State Wrestling Champs! After a few years in 2nd place, the Warriors stepped up to dominate the tourney and won by a landslide!
Way to go Warriors!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope that everyone had a great day! This holiday is one of my favorites! I think I just love the Red and Pink. But I also really love all the love! I made sugar cookies last week to give, however, was gone all weekend, and by the time we got around to it, I figured the cookies tasted a little to old...but it was fun while it lasted!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Guess What I Found!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Where can I find some teeth like this?

Serioulsy! How come I can't find anyone who slacks on brushing! I know, I should be really happy when people brush, and usually I am, however, that's not what I need right now!
Out of all the people I found yesterday, I got two to come in for a screening. The first one was practically as clean as a whistle. The other one came in this morning. He was from Saudi Arabia and he had restorations, which means he's had access to care. We found 12 clicks of calculus (tartar) on his entire mandible, which is what I need in one quadrant! Seriously! Where are the dirty teeth hidding?
*I know, I know *sigh* under the 24th st bridge*
Sorry for the picture, but this is what I'm looking for...send anyone my way!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
I'm desperate!
Some were willing, some not so much. One guy asked me where the camera was. ha ha, acutally not so funny! If they looked at me weird I told them I was DESPERATE! Why am I so desperate you might ask? Well, I have one week to find a mock board patient and we have UDA this thrusday, so I have no clinic days to find anyone. So I have to resort to find someone and bring them up to do a screening. Out of everyone I asked, I found 2 who might work. One more so than the other b/c he had a lot of plaque on his teeth. Yippee!
To anyone who reads this blog, I sure they think I'm off my rocker, and the truth is, I probably am. But at least I haven't resorted to driving under the 24th st. bridge! I swear, I'm not going that far!
3 more months until I never ever have to do this again. Mary Ann, do you miss this?
Friday, February 02, 2007
Another mockboard unhopeful
So I seriously need a mockboard pt! And worst of all, I thought I had it! I finished cleaning 2 Quads of a class 3 in the morning, but I didn't want to use her for a mockboard b/c she had more food on her teeth than calculus! Canasta! So needless to say, the biggest reason she classified as a 3 were her pocket depths.
But here (was supposed to be) is the good news: Tuesday I was CA and this girl just showed up to get her teeth cleaned, but at the time, everyone had a pt, so I took her name and made her my Thursday afternoon pt. I was pretty excited b/c she had an African accent and I was kinda hoping that she didn't have acces to care (how bad it that?) so that her teeth would be bad enough for me to use.
So she comes in on Thursday and says she hasn't been to a DDS for like 20 years and that was to have a cavity restored. *In my head I'm doing a little dance! Sweet, here's my board pt!* So I start by taking her back to x-ray-oh yeah, she's from Kenya and just came to the US this year to go to school. So we get her to x-ray and I take the first BWX on the comes up....not only is the lamina dura intact, it's like the best lamina dura I've ever seen. *In my head I'm thinking "How can this be"* So I take one more, The same, seriously, the most radiopaque lamina dura ever! After 4 BWX, I was qute discouraged! So I figure, she's never had a FMX, and she was really concerned about these gaps btwn her mand. canines and premolars, so lets do a full mouth. We START to do that, but she couldn't handle the pain of the uncomfortable XCP's for PA's. So I got all the anteriors and 1/2 the posteriors. So with that said, I was like, okay, hopefully she'll at least have a little calc under the gums, although none was radiographic. So I get started, all pockets were 1-3, with 2-3 4's, but that was uncomfortable for her too...I seriously wanted to inject her! I think a big set back is that she hasn't been to a DDS for so long, she doesn't know what to expect...not saying that is should hurt, but saying that yes, you are going to feel something.
So we get done probing and I go to explore where I find after 20 years, she has the CLEANEST teeth I've ever cleaned! Seriously, people who come every 6 months have dirtier teeth than she did! Craziness! So I finished her in like a half hour. So as we're getting her stuff to go, she asks if we would recommend any othodontists and my instructor proceeds to tell her a few and that she'll need a pano. So we decided to do the pano here b/c it's cheaper than it would be at an office. So I get the pano ready and we take one...but don't worry, I only put ONE film in the pocket, so it turned out a lot darker than it should've. So we take another one, but as I step out of the room to push the botton, the machine won't move, so I step in and press reset. The pano machine resets, and starts to take the pano (while I'm in the room) and then stops right in the middle. WHAT THE HECK! By this time it's 3:00pm, you have got to be kidding me! Seriously! So I go get Prof. Alexander to come and watch (after I've reloaded the pano sleeve for a thrid time!). We set everything and step out to take the x-ray when it doesn't move...we step in and press reset and the machine resets and then starts to go WHILE WE'RE IN THE ROOM! poor patient! At this time she says "can I just come back another time?" To this we both say "Yes". I apologize profusely and send her one her way...whew. And that was much for my mockboard hopeful!