Thursday, October 13, 2005

Now I'm all fired up!

So today in Community health (it was our first day) we talked about our class project for this year. There's this school that started up for Dental Hygiene. Needless to say, it's a little crazy! They aren't accredited yet and are making it seem as though they are...YIKES! Poor gals! But that's not really our problem. What bothers us with this little situation, is that 50 more people per year will be competing for our jobs out in the real world. That just frosts our cookies! Utah already has a super saturated job market for dental hygiene, there are so many of us! So the truth is...we don't really need another school in Utah. I know this sounds bad, but our class project is going to be doing research to help the Utah Dental Hygiene Association (UDHA) find stuff that hasn't been done to show the ADA that this program and others like it are not needed and shouldn't be allowed to continue. We are going to do it in a very professional way of course. I'm just very interested because out of all the hygienists in Utah only 20 are actively involved in UDHA. There just aren't enough of them to do all they need to. So here we come to the rescue. What's even better about it is I'm planning to work with Prof. Hansen and do even more of it for my Bachelors thesis. Yay!


Hale yeah! said...

I too am very excited to work on this for my bach. project. It will be good do something that I'm pretty excited about. Also, this will effect us in a few years to come. I'm excited to just learn more about all of it and understand it a little more.

Loni Parkin said...

I want in on the bachelor's project! However, I think I am mostly feeling bad for the girls at the other 'college' because they have no chance of getting any type of degree like we will be getting. I wish I knew more and truth is, I would get a heck a lot more fired up if I was more into the details.

Kami said...


I like your post. I don't feel bad that we are working on this dilemma as a class project because it really isn't about the Provo school as much as it is about the economic vialbility of our profession along the Wasatch front. As with any profression or business, market research must be done on the sustainability of a concept. We just want to investigate the workforce need for more hygienists and the adverse impact of a saturated market of hygienists in Utah.

I think that you have demonstrated a high caliber of capability as a student and future professional, and so am glad to have you utilize your talents on this project.

Candice said...

I agree that more people need to be involved in UDHA. It makes me upset when people aren't involved in things like that. Even if they don't want to be involved, it helps to at least pay the dues because they are used to benefit the profession. It is so important to stay caught up on things like that. I think that it shows care for the profession to support it.