Sunday, December 09, 2007
Last tag, hopefully
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Totally boy crazy
2. My woredrobe consisted of sweatshirts, jean and my nike gym shoes everyday.
3. Swimming daily
4. Teasing my siblings daily
5. Running into our shed when my dad let me pull the car forward to shoot basketball hoops.
5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Chrstmas Shopping
2. Grocery Shopping
3. Laundry
4. Neighbor gifts?
5. Plan the girls' Christmas party.
5 foods I enjoy:
1. Costa Vida tortillas
2. tres Leche cake from Cafe Rio
3. Lemon zest with almost everything I make
4. Balsalmic Vineger
5. EVOO (realize, the last three aren't really a food persay, but they can do wonders for so many things.)
5 bad habits:
1. I hate washing my face at night
2. I always forget to do things
3. I don't think before I speak
4. I'm still learning how to stay on a budget
5. I like to do what I want when I want.
5 of my favorite toys: (this is a weird one)
1. double stick tape (this can do wonders with so many things!)
2. black paint (If I don't like a decoration, I can be rest assured, that it will look great black)
3. fabric (I love cute fabric, now, if I only really knew what to do with it)
4. sewing machine(I don't have one, but I want one that embrodiers-got that santa?)
5. snowboard(don't get to use this much more, I actually don't have one anymore, but next year, I'm hitting it hard!)
Christmas for me is...
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? I think I've only had Egg Nog once, and never again! I'm totally a hot chocolate chica!
2. Does Santa wrap the presents or just sit them under the tree? Santa wrapped them until I was like 6, then he just left them under the tree.
3. Red or white lights? White
4. Do you hang mistletoe? No, but I should, it truly is a cute plant.
5. When do you put your decorations up? I start the week of Thanksgiving and do a little here and there all week.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish? Mmm! Every Christmas Eve, my grandparents come over and my dad makes pineapple ham...So yummy!
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? When we were little, we all used to sleep in the same room. One year my little brother, Tyson, and sister Mackenzie, sleep in Tyson's room, while my other sister, Tiffany, slept in Mackenzie's room down the hall, (I don't know why tiff wasn't with us, I think she was sick). So Tyson, Mackenzie and I got up early to see the presents before my parents said we could. As to not leave tiff out, Mackenzie ran to get Tiffany, who just happened to sleep with the door shut. But Mackenzie, thinking the door would be open, because that's how she sleeps, ran right into the door. All we hear is a hard thud and then Mackenzie screaming "oweey". Tyson and I started laughing and after that, we were all up.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I think I was 8 or 9.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? We used to open a gift from our grandparents because they were with us on Christmas Eve, but now we really don't.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? We have white lights, white ribbon, a red and silver "glisten" sign, along with red, silver, green and clue ornaments and little tin signs that say "believe"
11. Snow: Love it or hate it? Seriously, I LOVE it! And what is up with Perry getting like 3 inches, while Brigham gets nothing!
12. Can you ice skate?Yes, I can skate, I can even go backwards.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? My favorite would probably be the year I got a CD player and the Celine Dion CD, it's still one of my favorites.
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Spending time with family and friends that you don't get to see all the time.
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert? Well, I do know I hate divinity. Holy Sugar! I think I would say I LOVE wassail! If I could I'd always have a crockpot with it ready and waiting. I really love homemade carmels.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? I really love what we do on Christmas Eve, we get together, have a nice meal, usually watch a good Christmas movie, and then read the Christmas story and get ready for Santa to come!
17. What is on top of your tree? A white glitter star.
18. Which do you like best giving or receiving?I love to GIVE! I seriously just think of all the things I can get other people, I wish I had enough money to give it all!
19. Christmas Song? O Holy Night by Celine Dion, and Deck the Halls by Shedaisy.
20. Do you like candy canes? Yes! I LOVE Candy Cane shakes from the Yogurt Factory! Mmm!
I tag: Amiee, Jalene, Candice, and Jenny.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Thanksgiving, and the Christams Tree Hunt
1. I'm grateful for my savior Jesus Christ
2. I'm grateful for the gospel
3. I'm grateful for my education
4. I'm grateful for my Rob
5. I'm grateful for my family
6. I'm grateful for 2 cars that run
7. I'm grateful for missionaries, esp. my brother
8. I'm grateful for my grandparents
9. I'm grateful for my health
10. I'm grateful for my talents
11. I'm grateful for my friends
12. I'm grateful for my job
So with all this to be grateful for, why not say I'm grateful for food! This Thanksgiving was great! We went to Rob's house and it's just not Thanksgiving for me without my mom's pineapple yams, so I volunteered myself to make those. I can't take all the credit though. Rob made most of them. He's such a great helper in the kitchen!
And what can Thanksgiving be w/o football? This was actually before Thanksgiving. This is the only football game Rob's been able to get to this year. USU vs. Boise St. USU got thumped, but it was fun to go w/ family and friends.
Christmas Tree Hunt:
So the Riley's have a tradition of going on a Christmas tree hunt in Idaho every year to find, obviously, their Christmas Trees. Here are the boys getting ready.
Rob brought us back this little guy. He decided he'd make a good Christmas tree (more pictures of it in all it's glory on another post)
Later that night, Rob and I went to find some light for our house. When we got home, it was about 11:30, but we decided to put them up anyways. We got done about 12:00am, but it was worth it! We feel so festive!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
1.5 When I wwatch Grey's, it makes me want to be a surgeon. I think it would be awesome! Except when I think about it, I am in reality and then I think about it in a real sense and think of all the super late nights away from my family and how stressful it would be. Unfortunately the closes thing I've got to it is rotations at the VA hospital in the dental wing and that's not as intense, but we had a breakroom and everything, so for a second, it almost seemed like maybe it was like I was, but then I inhaled, and can I just say, the smell of the VA brings you back to reality really quick and you don't want to be there more than you have to.
2. I just want to look in everyone's mouth! You see, I clean for a living. People's mouth's that is. Kinda sick when you think about it that way, but I'm obsessed! Seriously, when I see a little kid getting his first teeth I think it's the cutest thing in the world! But truly, you can tell so much about a person from their mouth! Really! And truth be told, when you lie to your hygienist when she asks you how often you brush and floss, we know! And I love when cool things happen like getting a tooth pulled. Like one day I was cleaning this ladies tooth and it was wiggly, so I messured the bone level and I got a 12+mm pocket and so I took an x-ray and there was nothing hold it in, so I told the doc and he didn't believe me, until he came and saw the x-ray! Then he pulled it and the only thing holding it in was a chunk of tissue at the end of the root! AWESOME!
3. I can sing, pretty well. Okay, I have done a pretty good job at hiding this one. When I jam out I don't really pay any attention to technique, I just kind of jam, but when I'm really working on a song and if I have to perform in front of people I take it a little more seriously. I know it is a talent I have been given and I wish I would use it more, but I don't want to invite myself to sing. If I'm asked, I'll do it, no questions asked, and I usually am excited at the opportunity. But I don't just tell people I'm a great singer. I think I just struggle with the singer/choir member stereotype. I just don't really mesh with their singing in the hall, 'let's get together and practice in the commons area' type attitude that draws attention to myself. I've actually had the chance to sing at general conference which was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I will never forget. It was the April 2005 saturday afternoon session. And with that I move on to...
4. I want to be in MoTab! Seriously. I want to be in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir one day. Every conference I just watch the choir and hope that I'll be there one day. Although I don't really like to listen to choir music, I would like to be in the choir because I think it would be a totally neat experience! Plus I love to sing and I think if you're in the choir, you get to do that all the time. And if I'm lucky they'll go on a worldwide tour again.
5. I want to be a photographer. Okay, I don't know anything about it, but I want to be able to take really good pictures and have actaully thought about going back to school to at least take classes in photography, but maybe get another major. Probably won't, but I'd really like to learn how to take fantastic pictures. I want to be able to catch my kids and my life in such a beautiful way that I can look back and remember the moment in a remarkable way....and then I can put a soundtrack to it, thus allowing me to complete #1.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
P.S. New Tunes
Halloween Take 2
Don't we make the cutest old couple...Rob's 'stach has white streaks in it, but you can't really see it. Our glasses were .50 at the DI, but we only wore them for the picture, b/c they were real bifocals and gave us major headaches.This is an action photo of "the girls" minus Carin and Kami. We missed them SO SO mcuh! I love these girls so much! They are like sisters to me! We've been best friends since high school. So many people are shocked that we were and still are such great friends b/c we are all so different. We've agreed that is the reason why we are still so close. We never changed in high school to be friends with each other. We just loved each other for who we were, so now that we're done with school, we're still best friends b/c we never had to change in the first place. We get together whenever we can, but Kami and Carin are missed greatly. It's just not the same without them!
So for a recollection, Jess and Jon where vampires, April was a football player with Jason as a referee. Rob and I were old people, and Danielle was a cowgirl, Bryan was a scarecrow and Jacob was a cow!
Such a fun party. It should be a tradition. Hopefully we'll all be together for the Christmas party.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween! Hope that everyone had an "Increadible" one! I just wanted to post my Halloween costume. I made it all by myself! I was so proud. The office that I'm temping at on Wed was dressing up as super heros. I wasn't to excited, but last night I had inspiration and went to Wal-Mart. Truth be told, I think mine was better than all the rest. And they got theirs from some fancy smancy website for like 50 bucks! All the other girls were all the other super heros, ie. batgirl, superwoman, catwoman, and wonder woman. They told me there was one for mrs. increadible that was like $40, but it seriously looked stupid and lame and who wants to pay 40 dollars for an adult onesie that I'll never wear again? So I got my creative jucies flowing and...
Rob and I also went to a couples Halloween party, which I'll post pictures of later. We were old people. It was so FANTASTIC! We looked awesome!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Attention all hygienists
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Pumpkin Harvest
This is most of us in the pumpkin patch.
Keaton, Gracie and Tytan were checking out all the pumkins.
Rob and I ended up taking just two for now. The big ones were hard to move, but we did it.
Will and Keaton on the dolly.
Matt and Rob taking Mark for a ride on the stretcher. That's how we moved most of them.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Peach Days
This is Young Plumbing...they are in it every year...this year they're sporting the color changes every few years, I always think of it as neon pink.
Ok, so we have no idea who these people were, but they were dressed like Star Wars. My nephew Keaton LOVES Star Wars, so we got these for him, and for Tyson who's on the mish.
Tiff and I with this very lucky star wars dude, I think he's supposed to be aniken or something.
And I don't know who this star wars dude is either. But he's one of the army dudes, obviously. :)

And this is Rob and I...Rob is obviously thrilled to be there. Truthfully, though, he was. He was a good sport all day. He really enjoys parades and it was great despite the fact that it's getting so long (2.5 hours!) and these darn kids kept standing in front of us and their parents didn't do anything about it! Seriously!? Does that not make you so mad! I get up at 6 in the morning to get seats and some people just squeeze in wherever they can and their parents don't care if they're children are being rude and obnoxious! Pet peeve!
Okay, aside for my vent, Peach days was fun. I had peach cobbler and walked around the booths. Then met up with my high school girls and their hubbies for dinner at Maddox. We missed Carin and Jessica, but had a good time none the less.
New house

And this is a picture of our new bedroom, like 10 times more spacious than our old one. We are really liking all the extra space and are glad to have AC too.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Also, my cousins from cali came to visit for a week. We picked them up on Monday and took them for a stop at the Pie. Pretty good pizza, sanitariness is questionable!
one month later...more pictures

Tytan, Gracie and Rob up at Lava.
Rob on his hike w/ his dad and brothers.
Rob and Jaxson on the hunt at the family reunion.
My Mia Maids and Laurels after our over-night backpacking trip. I was so super proud of them!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Some pictures for you
New template
Rob and I are staying busy with work. He has next week off which I'm really excited for. Monday we're going to Lagoon. At least those are the plans. I haven't been for a few years, so I'm kinda excited.
We are also looking for a bigger apartment. I just feel like we're growing out of our little one. We're not ready to buy a house until Rob gets done wiht school and we know where we'll be. But it's oh so tempting! I want to plant cute flowers and paint walls. But as for now I'll be patient.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Working Woman
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
New Orleans III
We all decided to order the same thing which was buttermilk battered fried chicken on top of mashed sweet potatos with a ham cream gravy and topped with sauteed sugar snap peas.Truthfully, it wasn't that great. THe chicken was good, but the sweet potatos were definately sweet making the combination rather interesting. After dinner we had dessert. We didn't really have a choice. They cleared our table of everything, then brought us out dessert menus and new glasses of water all in one quick motion and said "now what would you like for dessert?" We were all kind of taken back by this and decided we didn't really have an option, so we decided to share an apple pie w/ ice cream. It actually came with cinnimon ice cream, but we were a little nervous about it b/c of the sweet potatos, so we substituted it for vanilla. How plain, I know, but it was good!
On the way back we stopped at some of the souviner shops and caught this memorable moment! Notice that Shelly is sporting beads as well. However, we never were quite sure how she got them...
Saturday morning we slept in rather late and truthfully I don't know what we did before our lunch and learn that was at noon. So at noon, we had the lunch and learn which was actually very beneficial. It was tittled "Marketing yourself in a competative profession". There were about 4 other hygienists that gave us a lot of really good tips. Unfortunately we had to leave early in order to sell at the DH Marketplace where a lot of groups from different states sell things to earn money for their program. I actually bought a super cute watch from Kentucky DHA and I even got 5 dollars off b/c the battery wasn't working. It actually still isn't working. :) Everytime someone asked me what time it was I'd say 4:00. Ha ha ha, (I'm so funny) Anyhow, after the market place we were spent, so we went up and took a nap for a couple of hours.
When we woke up, it was about 7:20 and we decided we'd meet Shelly and go to dinner. We went to a cute little cafe at the end of Decatur. They had a nice jazz band.
Our waiter there was really nice. His name was Von and he was great. It was totally opposite from the night before at Nolas and it was quite tranquil. In fact, we weren't even asked if we wanted dessert. But when we asked another waiter if they had dessert, he said "um..yeah, we have bread pudding and um, vanilla ice cream." Wow, what a choice! We got a kick out of that and decided we'd find somewhere else to fight our sugar craving.
We ended up at Bubba Gumps shrimp house. It's all based off of the movie Forest Gump. It was a great atmosphere and the dessert was so fantastic!
We didn't do to much on Sunday. We stopped and got more of our yummy pralines that we'd been eating all week then had a PoBoy sandwich for lunch. I actually had red beans and rice b/c I heard it was so good down in the south. It was good, but not amazing. Afterwords we went to the river to ride the free ferry across and that was fun. This is Michelle and I before we went across.
On the way over we met a DH from New Orleans and she told us that they were having a really neat farmers market at the end of the French Quarter on Decatur st, so we hopped back on the ferry and went back.
I unfortunately don't have any pictures of the farmers market, but I think thats when it hit Michelle and I that we wanted to go home. The stuff was awesome, but there were a lot of people in a small place, it was hot, and seriously so many people smoke! We stayed for about an hour then went back to the hotel to get our stuff and catch a taxi to the airport. Speaking about smoking, one funny thing is that the flight attendant on one of our flights while giving her spill about how to keep your seatbelts on and such said "Please refrain from smoking for the rest of your life, but if you need to smoke, please wait to do so when you're off the plane." How awesome!
I have to put in a plug for my husband. When he picked us up, he had brought us granola bars, fruit, licorice and fruit snacks in case we were hungry. How cute is he! I was really excited to see him again. I missed him. And that's all.
So that's it, a total play by play of our New Orleans trip. Throughly fun and all in all a very sucessful trip! Now, I pack up again for Laurel Light Camp. Seriously, I'm so excited to just be home! I think I'm all vacationed out and it's only June.
New Orleans cont...

It was after the tour that Prof. Hanson and Prof. Costley started to get sick, so when they went to their rooms Michelle and I hit the town! We did some shopping and walked around A LOT! We really got to know the french quarter! We had a blast. This is a picture of me by Harrah's casino. We never went in, we were too busy doing other stuff, but they did have nice palm trees.

Thursday, Shelly had a class in the morning and Kami was so sick, so Michelle and I went shopping again and then to the aquarium. This was taken in the entry way of the room "Coral Reef". Lots of fishes that are found in the Coral reef. Then we moved up to the Amazon Jungle room. There were a lot of plants and even some tucans, but unfortunately, our journey ended here. We got a call from Kami telling us she needed us back at the hotel ASAP. I must admit I was bummed. Mostly because they have an exhibit that you can pet baby sharks. And that's what I wanted to do most. Luckily, however, because we were only in there like 20 minutes, we were able to get a refund, so we were happy with that.
After going to the hotel and helping Kami, we were sent on a mission to find velcro for our poster. However, there is something you must know about New Orleans...everything closes about 5, unless it's on Decatur, or Burbon street and unless it's a resuraunt. I'm sure you've all heard about Burbon street, thus the reason for it remaining open and Decatur is the main street that runs parallel to the river and lots of tourist shops are located there. So we had to find a hardware store that was open, mind you, we left the hotel at 5. So after asking a few people we found there was a hardware store on Burbon street, so we headed down there to find it. We did take a bit to take a picture for proof that we were there. We found the hardware store and were so glad that it didn't close until 6pm (yeah!) and were able to purchase some velcro.
This is a better picture of a balcony.
That night we drug Kami out of the hotel and went to dinner. Then Shelly wanted to see the night life on Burbon street, so we headed down there again and fortunately don't have any proof of us being there then, because anything we would've taken a picture of that would be appropriate to post anywhere would be the sidewalk. :) It was fun to see the band that we found in a bar called Fat Cats, but other than that, it was just trashy!
Friday morning we had to set up or poster board for our presentation and before presenting we went to Cafe du Monde for Shelly to try a beignet. On the way back Michelle made a command decision (finally :) ) to buy this piece of luggage she had been eyeing since we got there. Truthfully, it's easy to spot on the baggage claim! And it's really cute!
Stay tuned for more...for now...I'm tired.