Monday, January 28, 2008
Kyle Korver

Praise to the Man

He has been the prophet since I was 10, so I remember him the most. He was the one that influenced my teenage years and helped me through college years as well. I am honored that I was able to hear his 6 Be's talk. I remember being enlightened with the words that he spoke and remember thinking "This is how I need to live me life. I need to strive to obtain these traits." I have them hanging in my house.
I'm also very grateful to him for his encouragement of women to obtain an education. I have really grasped on to that concept and I believe that knowing that the Lord wanted me to obtain an education really helped me to stay in school and get one, which I must say I am forever indebted to Him for the help he gave me through it.
Alas, the world is a better place because of him and for that I am eternally grateful!
Friday, January 25, 2008
I'm happier now...
So for some of my DH peeps, I may have expressed my frustration about my job and the hours that I've been working. Well, things are better now. Basically I went to around to find other offers, better ones than I was currently getting, went back to my employer and said I needed him to match them or I would need to take the other offer, and what do you know, he matched them! I'm really glad too because I really do like the office, and the people that I work with, as well as the patients, and I didn't want to leave. I seriously am a lot more happier now. It will be nice to be able to depend on a steady income now. I mean seriously, I didn't go to school for nothing! So I'll be doing 3 days at my current office, and a day at another office in Tremonton.
I was seriously nervous about it, but I know what I deserve and it was time I stood up for it. I was very relieved and glad that my employer felt I was worth it. It kind of makes you feel good when that happens! So I just wanted to update everyone with that piece of good news!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Babysitting and Red Hats
Now this is what I call babysitting! My friend Danielle had us watch her little boy Saturday night and it was seriously not to bad...it was kind of fun! He was such a good kid! For most of the time we put in "Muppets in Manhattan" and he just loved it! He would laugh and clap and talk to the tv.
He just loving the show! And he looked so cute just sitting there eating his little cookies and drinking from his sippy cup! Can you tell we don't have kid! ? We had fun with him, but don't don't expect us to be making any type of announcement soon, I still don't know if I'm ready.
Then today we went to help serve breakfast for a Martin Luther King Jr. celebration in Ogden. It was neat to hear the speakers talk about the man who stood and encouraged people to fight for the respect that they deserve as well as the right to all be equal. While there I met some ladies from the Riverdale chapter of the Red Hat society! Oh Snap! Can I just tell you that I've always wanted to be a member of the Red Hats! Seriously to have an excuse to get all dolled up like that and have a blast doing it! One of the ladies said "we don't just do service, we shop a lot and eat a lot, to sustain ourselves while shopping." How great is that! So of course I had to get a picture. Rob just laughed, but enjoyed listening to them. The great news, they have a "Pink Hat Society" that is for ladies under the age of 50! So watch out, I might be on the lookout for a fantastic pink hat!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
2 years...

Sunday was our 2 year anniversary! I can't believe time has flown by so fast! I'm so blessed to have Rob in my life! Our wedding day was fantastic! I will admit when we were in the waiting room in the temple with just each other, I as trying to figure out how I could get out of this. I was SO NERVOUS!!!!

I truthfully don't know where I would be without him in my life! He's my best friend, my confidant, my inspiration, my example, my teacher, my joy, my partner, my love! How could I ever be so blessed? I'm glad that I wasn't able to think of a plausible way to get out of the temple w/o causing a scene!

On Sunday, our real anniversary, Rob made me a pasta/chicken dinner. What a guy! I love him so much and although my life has changed so much since I've been married, I would do it all again just to know that I'd be with him! He makes me happier than anyone in the world!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Snow Day
Wednesday brought a big load of snow our way. I went with Rob to Ogden for a class that he has this week at WSU. Holy Cow! The snow was horrendous up there! They got a good foot before we went home around noon. When we got home I hurry and bundled up and we had a snow day. We played in our yard for a little bit, but then Rob thought we better shovel the driveway. I always have a hard time doing that. As much as I hate having the snow packed into ice on the driveway, it always makes me sad to shovel it b/c it is the start of removing the snow and it just seems like we're helping it go away. It just looks so pretty when everything is covered. Which leads me to express my great love for Brigham City's tree lined streets!
This is a picture of our street. I love the trees in the summer when they are full and covered with green leaves and I love them in fall when the leaves are an array of different colors, and I love them in the winter just after a snowfall! Seriously, they are fantastic! 

Here's Rob shoveling. I was in charge of throwing salt out. We had so much snow!
Before we started shoveling however, we did play a bit. We tried to make a snowman, but although the snow was great for packing, it wouldn't roll well. So rob decided it would be a better idea to tackle me a few times instead. It did allow me to get this shot.
We've also had a lot of fun watching the icicles outside our bedroom window. Our roof is metal and so the snow slides down it as it melt and instead of breaking off, it curls under and new icicles form. Really neat!
I also need to add how thankful I am for Rob and that he's so great to help out around the house. The thing is, sometimes he likes to leave his mark. If he does the bed I usually walk in to find the pillows in an arrangement like this...silly boy!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Christmas 2007
Wow! The end of this year just FLEW by! Seriously! We were so busy with work and parties with family and friends. The truth though, is that we LOVED every minute of it! It was so good to see Carin and see my aunt and uncle from Michigan and my cousin Krisha from Texas! It was good to see everyone! Like I said, we kept really busy, and unfortunately I haven't kept up with the blog, but I (we) got a new laptop (Apple, due to Rob's great research on getting us to most for our money) and I'm trying to figure it out. As soon as I do and out Internet is hooked up (one suggestion, don't order things like that online, it's hard to get all your questions asked, but Rob got a hold of people and luckily worked everything out and got us our rebate!) I'll be blogging strong! But in the meantime, hold on to your pants b/c we've got some major pictures coming up...
Let's start with our house...As promised in an earlier post that I would put a picture of our Christmas Tree...I introduce our tree
for this year. Truthfully, I was a little nervous about how it would turn out, but with some some kind loving hands (of mine) and some encouragement (from Rob) we were able to pull him offMore Decor
We were also on our ward Christmas party committee and I volunteered to make a fireplace, I must say I'm rather proud of myself!
December 8th was my fantastic Grandpa Pete's 76th Birthday! My grandma had been in the hospital and so we just threw a surprise party at their house w/ pizza and cake.
Christmas Eve proved to be a fantastic night. Rob and I finished picking up stocking stuffers and last minute things in preparation for the night. My cousins from Provo came up to spend the holiday with us and we had such a great time with them! It's so much more exciting when you have little kids around who still believe in the Big Guy!
We had a chocolate fountain that the kids just loved! Notice the chocolate on the upper lip...
My brother Elder Petersen is serving in the Mexico, Cuernavaca Mission and we were able to talk to him on Christmas Eve. It was so fun to hear his voice. He's picking up that Hispanic drawl and elongates the end of every word that is at the end of a sentence.
After the call Rob promised the boys that he would take them out to enjoy the freshly fallen snow! How fun! Here they are thinking they're pretty hot stuff...which I must say they are, especially the one in back!
Emma wanted to get out there too, however, I think she was a bit nervous at first.
Sisters! I seriously love these two so much! I consider them some of my very best friends. It's crazy to think we used to tease each other so much (okay, as the oldest I did most of it). I never would've guessed I'd love being with them so much!
I Love my parent's house! Rob put up the lights for them this year. It just feels like Christmas!
After reading the story of our Savior's birth we all got hunkered down for bed. The Riley's always sleep in the same room (not sure why they still do, I think it's mostly b/c of Rob) so Rob insisted that we do the same. The little kids were excited and Rob and Mattias kept each other company through the night talking about how hard it was for them to sleep on Christmas Eve. Seriously, even though we don't have kids, Rob gets all the excitement just like they do. I don't know if I'll ever have a peaceful night of sleep on that day ever again.
Christmas Morning was Great! The kids and Rob were so excited! Sorry this picture is a bit blurry. They were rushing to get to the presents.
Rob made sure that my dad was taken care of as well...Seriously! He couldn't have been more happy!
Rob obviously got visited by Santa as well. By the way, I love his shirt! He's had that for years! But its still in good condition and it's true! This year he had quite a few surprises. He mostly got new clothes b/c he'll be student teaching starting this semester (YES!) but I got him the X-Men Trilogy and a few other fun things. I don't understand why he doesn't think clothes are fun!
Here he is playing with our big gift from Santa. Gotta Love that guy!
We spent the rest of the morning watching the x-men trilogy and just lounging around.
Later we went to Rob's parents and visited my grandparents. It was such a great day! I'm sad it's over. I heard someone say the other day "Nothing's over like Christmas is OVER"! So true! But it was a great one that we will always remember! We are so incredibly blessed to have the Gospel, and such wonderful family and friends! We love you all and hope you a have a Happy New Year!
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