Wednesday brought a big load of snow our way. I went with Rob to Ogden for a class that he has this week at WSU. Holy Cow! The snow was horrendous up there! They got a good foot before we went home around noon. When we got home I hurry and bundled up and we had a snow day. We played in our yard for a little bit, but then Rob thought we better shovel the driveway. I always have a hard time doing that. As much as I hate having the snow packed into ice on the driveway, it always makes me sad to shovel it b/c it is the start of removing the snow and it just seems like we're helping it go away. It just looks so pretty when everything is covered. Which leads me to express my great love for Brigham City's tree lined streets!

This is a picture of our street. I love the trees in the summer when they are full and covered with green leaves and I love them in fall when the leaves are an array of different colors, and I love them in the winter just after a snowfall! Seriously, they are fantastic!
Here's Rob shoveling. I was in charge of throwing salt out. We had so much snow!
Before we started shoveling however, we did play a bit. We tried to make a snowman, but although the snow was great for packing, it wouldn't roll well. So rob decided it would be a better idea to tackle me a few times instead. It did allow me to get this shot.
We've also had a lot of fun watching the icicles outside our bedroom window. Our roof is metal and so the snow slides down it as it melt and instead of breaking off, it curls under and new icicles form. Really neat!
I also need to add how thankful I am for Rob and that he's so great to help out around the house. The thing is, sometimes he likes to leave his mark. If he does the bed I usually walk in to find the pillows in an arrangement like this...silly boy!
You're so lucky to have Rob! Sounds like he's a great help around the house. Not many guys are like that. Good job pickin' a winner Tots!
Hey! Thanks for writing, I actually emailed you last week but it was your weber one and I didn't know if you checked it. I was wondering if you have any advise for studying. I just got the Mosby's book cause I feel like the decks are just so in debth, what do you think. I hope everything is good with you.
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