Ok, so what do people do when they don't work and don't have kids? I'm currently working Tuesday-Thursday and every other Friday, and seriously, I don't know what to do with myself when I'm not at work. I usually find something to do to entertain me for like an hour or two, but then nothing. I could go shopping. That would entertain me for hours, but Rob won't be happy, so it's an option, just not daily. I can only clean my house so much, and everyone else I can think of works! I need a hobby! I've thought about reading, which I do like, but I haven't really been able to get into any of the books I've picked out lately. So every day I don't work, I usually end up roaming around my house trying to find something to do. :) I feel so pathetic and the sad thing is that it's a beautiful day! I'm just waiting for Rob to get home so I can get out!
So if anyone would like to entertain me every monday, I'm game. Does anyone have any ideas?
p.s. update on the cute brown/white shams from the post below...they only come w/ the duvet. NUTS!
I hate being bored and I know exactly how you feel about only being able to clean your house so much. Its hard to find something to do because its not like you can read all day everyday that you aren't working and doing crafts projects gets old after awhile. Its hard I always get so excited when its time for the kids to take a nap so I can have alone time but then I have nothing to do during that time. One thing you could do especially when it starts getting warmer is go to like garage sales on Saturday mornings and find old furniture and then sand them down during the week and redo them. That takes up time and then you have cool cheap unique furniture and then if you don't like it in the end you can just sell it on craigslist and make money off of it, which in turn lets you have more money to shop with that your husband can't be worried about. I figured this out last summer towards the end of the summer and in like 3 weeks I made a profit of like 150.00 just because I found things for really good deals and fixed them or even just turned around and resold them for more. I bought a cute coffee table for 30.00 and fixed the leg on it really quick and then resold it for 80.00 This sounds random but I thought you might like the idea because you like decorating things and from what I've read you like to paint or spray paint things black. Who doesn't like black stuff? Good luck trying to find something to do. Its hard being bored. Believe me...I know!!
Wow, Sorry that was really long.
Tati, I SO wish I could be there to entertain you... and you could entertain me too. I get so bored when Zenock is napping and I end up on the computer just surfing totally wasting my time. I've tried to be better lately and manage my time better, but I am in the need of a good hobby too. So if you get any good ideas, please pass them on. :) By the way... good books... have you read the twilight series??? Always a good place to start. I have been going to the book store lately and just buying random books. (I only like good romance though, so it is tough for me to find books I like.)
I know I keep commenting and I promise I won't do it as often but I just talked with a friend about being bored and we talked about some good books. I've read all of them and they are all good. Some of them are Life of PI, The Kite Runner (really good) Austenland (really good), twilight series (everyone reads these, but they are good), peace like a river, prince caspian (thats the C.S. Lewis book that is about to come out in theatres, its part of the lion, witch and the wardrobe series). Once again sorry I keep commenting.
Try World of Warcraft. :)
I would love to have Mondays off! I've been bored ever since we graduated. Eric's so busy with preparing for the MCAT this April, that I don't get to spend much time with him. I've been watching so much tv this winter! Anyway, I soooo wish I could hang with you on Mondays. I would also love to find a hobby. In fact, I want to learn how to knit!
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